All About Circuits
Technical Article


2021年1月10日经过史蒂夫·塔拉诺维奇(Steve Taranovich)


在有关航空航天中显示和界面的重要性的系列文章中,我们讨论了触摸屏显示的基础知识并看着displays in the F/A-18 Super Hornet

Now we'll culminate in a look at the "glass cockpit" in space applications, a term used to describe the digital displays (especially LCDs) and interfaces as it shifted away from purely analog interfaces such as dials.

The “Glass Cockpit”


My first experience of a “glass cockpit” was during a visit I made to NASA’s Johnson Space Center in Houston. I met Former Astronaut Lee Morin, M.D., PH.D. (CAPTAIN, U.S. NAVY, RET) now heading up the NASA Crew Interface Rapid Prototype Lab (RPL) for the猎户座计划。图5。


图5。前宇航员李·莫林(Lee Morin

Figure 6.李·莫林(Lee Morin)讨论了将使用它的宇航员的最佳距离和角度的符合人体工程学设计(图片来自洛雷塔·塔拉诺维奇(Loretta Taranovich))


为了应对这种情况,NASA Langley研究中心与他们的行业合作伙伴合作,创建了“玻璃驾驶舱”,该中心将通过减少飞行员在高峰时段的工作量来提高安全性,并帮助飞行员保持情境意识。波音公司借给该项目的一些经验丰富的工程师,罗克韦尔·柯林斯(Rockwell Collins)制作了硬件。“玻璃驾驶舱”是计算机系统可以管理和飞行员可以管理的内容之间的正确平衡。

Figure 7.Orion的计算机系统和“玻璃驾驶舱”以波音777设计为建模。NASA将这种现有的,经过飞行测试的飞机系统具有成本效益,这是有意义的,并有助于保持预算限制,同时仍保持太空中宇航员的安全性和功能。图像提供NASA



There was a great deal of testing and evaluation that went into the ergonomics of the placement of what's on the displays and how those displays are presented to the crew. Crew Dragon Demo-2 astronauts worked with SpaceX and refined the way that they would interface with the touchscreen and the way touch is actually registered on the display in order to be able to fly it cleanly and not make mistakes in touching it.

宇航员马修·多米尼克(Matthew Dominick), reenforced this as he commented on the commercial space sector, “The commercial guys put the CAD/design guys right next to the factory floor. The factory floor people can then walk over to the engineer who designed something and come over to look at the situation to see how to build/assemble this better”.

